Monday, September 8, 2008

A little bit more..

I know, two posts in the same hour...has the world come to a screeching halt? No, but it did occur to me after I posted below that some of you haven't heard the latest in our crazy life:

Nathan lost his job two and a half weeks ago, rendering us entirely jobless. You know that verse, "Trust in the Lord..."? Well it's tangeable now! :) But you know what? I am not complaining. This is the best place we've been in a long time. Totally at the mercy of a God who is way more than capable of taking care of us than we can ever be. He's already provided a side contracting job for Nathan that has brought in a little bit of money, and we just sold our extra washer/dryer set today! We are blessed....

Also, the countdown has begun to Nathan leaving for Basic for the Army National Guard. He will ship out on Nov 10th... He will get two weeks leave at Christmas, and then be gone again until March-ish. (yeah I made that month up. haha) But the good news on that is that he will receive Active pay, housing allowance and full insurance the whole time he's gone as well. Isn't God good? I'm not looking forward to him being gone, but I have a feeling it will go faster than we think!

Anyway, that's about it for now, seeing as how it's 12:22 am and I desperately need sleep. I will try to do better at updating this thing! Pray for us in this season! I wish you all as blessed a life as we abundantly experience now... Goodnite all!

About a bazillion years ago...

I posted something on here! :) At least that's what it feels like! I stink at remembering to update this thing. I must make ammends ....

I can't believe all the crazy things Christian can do now! He's crawling like a madman, and pulling up on the furniture and "walking" along it.... yep, my days of contentedly sitting in one place for 5 minutes are gone! :)

He absolutely cracks me up on a regular basis, though. This kid has one HUGE personality and I LOVE it. He will grab a toy and sit down on the hardwood floor and spin in a circle lifting it high over his head with an open mouth and a look that says, "WOAH!!! Behold, the TOY!!!!" Seriously, it's like the funniest thing I've ever seen! If laughter is good for the soul, my sweet boy is the cure-all for everything!

Here's a few pics to enjoy: