I'm getting really tired lately, so I know the homestretch has officially started. I can't wait to meet this little guy, and it seems like the next month or two can't go quickly enough!
Your baby now weighs about 4.4 lbs (2000g) and measures about 12 inches (30cm) from crown to rump and about 19.4 inches (43cm) in total.
Now that your baby is running out of room in your womb, you can probably see your belly moving as your baby kicks.
Your baby may dream as he sleeps and when awake he may be alert, listening, feeling and even seeing dim shapes.
Though your baby is still inside the womb, he is learning all the time as billions of neurons are making connections.
Your baby is probably in his birth position by now.
Your baby's lungs may be sufficiently developed by now, though if he were born now, he would probably still need an incubator to stay warm.