Week 27 updates..... Your baby weighs about 2.5 lbs (1.1kg) and is about 10 inches (25cm) from crown to rump and 15 inches (38 cm) long from head to toe. At this time, the baby has tastebuds which allow it to distinguish between sweet, sour and bitter tastes. Brain tissue and brain development increases at this time as your baby grows the folds and grooves needed for a developed brain. Eyebrows and eyelashes are probably present and the hair on your baby's head is growing longer. Your baby's body is filling out, getting a bit fatter as fat deposition continues, but it is still somewhat red and wrinkled. Your baby is big enough for his presentation to be determined. That is, your caregiver can probably tell how your baby is oriented in your uterus. He may be breech (bottom down) or head first. If your baby is in a breech position now, there is no need to worry as there is still plenty of room and time for your baby to change positions. Your baby can feel pain and respond to it in the same way as a full term baby.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Welcome to the THIRD TRIMESTER!!!!
Posted by natenkate04 at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Week 26 Updates!!!
We are officially under the 100 day mark!!! Yay for double digits!
Your baby weighs more than 2 lbs (1000g), measures 9.6 inches from crown to rump (24cm) and its total length is about 15.3 inches (34cm). If your baby were born now, he would have about an 85% chance of surviving. Nonetheless, your baby still needs another 13 weeks of in utero development to be considered full term.
Your baby's eyes, no longer fused shut, are now open.
Your baby's skin still has a very wrinkled appearance, but it is protected and nourished by the covering of vernix, a waxy coating that keeps the skin supple.
Your baby looks almost like a full term baby, but is still much thinner and smaller than he will be at birth.
Posted by natenkate04 at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Week 25 Updates!
Your baby weighs just under 2 pounds (850g) and could possibly survive if delivered now. Your baby measures approximately 9.2 inches (23cm) from crown to rump.
He is growing fast and gaining weight now. His skin is less transparent and is becoming opaque as fat builds up.
Your baby's heart is beating 120 to 160 beats per minute, as you have already heard at several doctor or midwife visits.
Until now, your baby's eyes have been sealed shut, but he reopens them this week. The eyes are almost fully formed and the retinas contain all the layers they will have when your baby is born. Your baby's eyes are blue right now, no matter the ethnic origin or eye-color of you and your partner since eyes do not acquire their final color until months after birth.
Your baby is lean right now, but is getting fatter all the time as fat is being deposited. Your baby's skin is getting thicker and paler and is becoming less red and wrinkled as more fat is deposited.
Your baby has eyebrows, eyelashes and fingernails, though all are short and need to grow more.
On another note, I failed the 1 hour Gestational Diabetes test, so now I go back on Thursday for the 3 hour version! :( Oh well.... I'll let you know the results.
Posted by natenkate04 at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Week 24 Updates!
We're VIABLE!!!
Your baby now weighs around 1.5 lbs (700g), and measures about 8.8 inches (22cm) from crown to rump, but this varies from baby to baby.
Your doctor should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat, using a stethoscope or Doppler ultrasound device. If your partner puts his ear right on your belly in the right position, he might even be able to hear it unaided if there is no background noise.
Your baby sleeps and wakes in a more regular pattern now. You may notice that your baby is particularly active when you are resting.
The center of your baby's bones are beginning to harden.
Your baby can make a fist now and may already have a preference for the right or left hand.
Posted by natenkate04 at 6:42 AM 0 comments