Your baby is now about 8.4 inches from crown to rump (21cm) and weighs about 1.2 pounds (530g).
Your baby's face and body now look more like a full-term baby. He now looks close to how he will look at birth.
The eyes, though they are still closed, are now close together on the front of the face and the ears are in their final position. Eyelashes are fairly well-developed and hair is growing on your baby's head.
Your baby's movements are becoming more restricted now as he fills up the uterus more. Cartwheels and somersaults inside the amniotic sac are no longer possible, but he can still hold the umbilical cord and touch and feel around himself. Though your baby is already living in tight quarters in the amniotic sac, he will soon have even less room to move around.
His vital organs are now quite mature. However, since the lungs are not yet fully formed, your baby would have breathing problems if born prematurely at this stage.
Your baby is becoming increasingly conscious of the world outside and may feel startled when you are startled.
Your baby may alternate between having very active and very calm periods.